Whidbey Community Foundation and Georgia Gerber Release New Holiday Sculpture for Sale to Support Nonprofits
Gail Liston, who is known on Whidbey for her theatrical work, is gaining a new following for her increasing artistic presence on the island
Rags, Rubbish, and Refuse: Artists Who Get Dirty
Foamy Wader in Langley Offers “Delicate Jewelry for Refined Sea Lovers”
The Bard’s Boutique Artist Spotlight presents: April, Celebrate National Poetry Month!
Whidbey Island Theater On The Edge
The Bard’s Boutique Artist Spotlight presents: Island Author Sarri Gilman Reading from “Cocoon”
Nancy Jelinek created SeaGlass Cove in Langley because she loved the seaside village
Cary Loopuyt Jurriaans offers a wide range of classes in drawing and painting at Whidbey Fine Arts Studio in Langley
Melissa Koch is a visual artist using her talents to advocate for healing the earth and humanity